Coronavirus prevention measures
Home Coronavirus prevention measures

Coronavirus prevention measures

At Caldea, your well-being, health and safety are our priorities.

As you know, there is a public health risk around Covidien-19 Coronavirus and we are monitoring the situation and applying prevention measures. At Caldea we have always followed the most extreme protocols for hygiene, cleaning and disinfection of our spaces but, in view of this situation and following the indications of the health authorities, we have intensified our efforts to contain the spread of the virus.

Moreover, these will be the prevention measures aimed at protecting our staff and our visitors:


In order to guarantee the minimum safety distance, the capacity will be limited.

We recommend that you keep at least 1.5 meters away from other people.

Hygiene and safety

All Caldea's facilities will be extremely hygienic in order to maximize the health and safety of both our staff and visitors.

You will find soap dispensers and hand sanitizers in the restrooms and at various points in the building.

Our thermal water
We treat our waters with high-spectrum, skin-friendly disinfectants. Thanks to the continuous filtration we apply, the water in our lagoons is new every day.
The staff

We have created a guide of recommendations to follow when returning to work after the closure by Covidien-19 to ensure the safety and health of our staff.

Your health is the most important

These measures will be modified as the situation evolves and, with the firm objective of controlling the pandemic, will be placed at the centre of our daily activities.

Do you have any doubts left?
Visit the specific section we have created in our FAQ.
If after doing so you still have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
We will be happy to help you solve it.

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