Three super healthy ideas to apply during lockdowniento

We’re delighted to hear that, as of this week, children in Spain can finally go outside again. A decision that will be of great relief to them after so many days stuck at home. So, we urge you not to let your guard down and to continue following the recommendations from the authorities. Each day that passes brings us one day closer to seeing each other again!
During the time we have left in social isolation, we encourage you to keep taking care of yourselves both inside and out. So we’ll be continuing our efforts to bring the Caldea spirit to your home: today, we have three super healthy ideas that will help you feel better.

Clear your mind!

Nothing beats starting the day in a stress-free way. Let us teach you a simple auto-shiatsu exercise from Yumi, our oriental treatments expert, which will give you the mental clarity you need.


Keep your body in shape

It’s normal for us to move less than usual during this period. So doing a few minutes of exercise that activates your body is essential. Our fitness team have put together this complete routine that will push your abs and glutes to the limit. Are you ready?


The Buddha Bowls trend

All good things come in threes. Our third healthy idea involves the kitchen. Watching your diet is now more important than ever and Buddha Bowls are the perfect solution.
Do you know how they got their name? Because when you add all the ingredients they get so full that they look like a big Buddha’s belly… So don’t worry, you won’t go hungry!
Today’s vibrant and colourful bowl contains broccoli, boiled pumpkin, rice, radicchio and endive salad, avocado and chia seeds. A combination of low-calorie foods that’s rich in fibre, magnesium, iron, zinc, protein, folic acid, vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, omega-3 and antioxidants. Plus, the rice will give you the carbohydrates you need to keep your energy up.


Now there’s no excuse. Even though your day-to-day life has changed, you don’t need to let your healthy habits go out of the window. Exercise your mind, your body and watch your diet.
Not long to go now, we’ll see you again soon!


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