Get in shape with HIIT training

There’s not long to go until the summer holidays, those long days of intense heat and wearing lighter clothing… If you haven’t done so already, now’s the time to get in shape with one of the most effective workouts of recent times: HIIT training.
If you’re unsure how this acronym can help you, keep reading and pay attention!

What exactly is HIIT training?

HIT, del inglés High-Intensity Interval Training (entrenamiento interválico de alta intensidad), es un tipo de entrenamiento basado en la alternancia de esfuerzos muy intensos en periodos cortos, con periodos de recuperación. Los cambios constantes de intensidad combinados con periodos cortos de recuperación, logran que el entrenamiento de la resistencia sea más corto y efectivo, pudiéndose llevar a cabo en unos 15-20 minutos.

What benefits does it provide?

The main advantages of this training technique are the amount of time it saves (three weekly sessions of about 20 minutes are enough) and its effectiveness for fat burning. Scientific studies have demonstrated that HIIT training leads to much better rates of fat reduction than conventional training.
In addition to saving time and improved effectiveness for fat burning, HIIT training:
– Improves endurance more quickly
– Creates a post-exercise afterburn effect so the body will continue to burn extra calories
– Is particularly effective on abdominal fat. High-intensity interval training releases a lot of adrenalin; a high concentration of receptors for this hormone can be found in the adipose tissue in the abdominal area.

Guided classes: a highly recommended alternative

The guided activities at Caldea Sport Thermal Club include a specific HIIT class which is held three times per week (the optimal frequency for great results). If you combine these classes with other options like the TRX, spinning or WellCross sessions, we’re certain that you’ll start to notice the results in a few weeks.
Are you ready to try HIIT training and tell us about the results?

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